Using Your Voice to Tell Your Personal Story

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Writing is very personal and it tells a story, your story. In this blog, I write quite often about using your voice to tell your story and more importantly being comfortable in your own skin and not letting fear determine how you walk your path. Telling and writing your story is more than saying a few words every now and then about what makes you happy, sad, passionate, or determined. It is also tied to walking in your purpose, your path to what makes you complete and whole.

When you first sit down and think about telling your story in written form, what do you think about? I find it best to approach this just like you are sitting down with friends and family and having a conversation in your own voice; being yourself because that is what people love most about you. Many people now say “being our authentic selves” and I say let yourself be vulnerable and it is ok to feel some discomfort when telling or sharing your story. This is what stretches us and makes us relate to people who may be feeling the same way about telling their personal story.

I think back to 6 years ago when I started blogging and looking back at those posts, I totally want to refresh them and expand on them. I am definitely doing this one day in the near future! In looking at those posts and reading them now, I sounded so tentative. Now, I am not being too hard on myself and what I am seeing now in my writing are areas for improvement and where I can be more transparent.

And then my first book came along in 2015. I thought about how I would write a book, get it published, most importantly get my book in the hands of people who were interested in topics of faith, love, and happiness. This was my theme and remains my theme today and using my voice to tell the stories around these topics are just as important to me now as they were back then. I am still amazed about how I came to publish my first book and then the second book followed by a book collaboration with 6 wonderful women.

With my first two books, A Life With A View and Inspiring Creative Passion I wrote those with a sense and feeling of purpose. Being around other people and telling my story in my own voice through book collaboration efforts enhanced my storytelling even more and has allowed me to share more about me, my story, where I stand today, and where I want to go. Have you had those thoughts and feelings? I am here to help since I have lived it and I am continuing to live through the process of using my voice to tell the world my story.

Having a voice for the things we are passionate about breathes life into our stories and they live on through us and helps other people. This is why A Life With A View Publishing exists to help you tell and share your story to the world.

Now, how can I help you tell your story? Leave a comment below and let’s chat about it and also stop by to book a one-on-one consultation and check out our Resource Library. Suggestions? Leave those below too as I am always looking for creative ways have our voices heard and our personal stories share who we are and connects us with all that is in store in our lives.