Selecting a Copy Editor

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Look at you; all excited and you have your book and you are ready to be published! And then, you think about this: “Should I have someone else read my book?” or, “Do I really need someone to read my book?” The short answer is yes. The job of an editor is not to re-write your book in their words. It is to make your book and you stand out in your own words. Your book should be a reflection of you and your authenticity based on your experiences and what you want to share with your audience from the heart.

I must have read my book 25 times (I know, a bit excessive) and I am very glad I did. After many drafts and a few revisions, I felt it in my heart to publish my first book A Life With A View - the first in the series. In order for me to move forward, I had to let go and allow someone else to read my book. It is funny the things we tell ourselves. “This book won’t be good enough.” Or, “Why am I even going down this path as a first-time writer.” As people we do have to let go and allow the help of others. Extending trust and grace to someone who can help you in your book journey goes deep.

Here are 5 quick and easy tips to get your book from the editing stage through the beginning stages of being published:

  1. Pull your book together in an editable format. (i.e. MS Word).

  2. Talk to friends, writers, and authors for recommendations on a good editor.

  3. Be open to feedback from your editor about your book.

  4. Ask questions of your editor and do the research on best editing practices with your editor.

  5. After working with a good editor, you will have clarity on the next steps in the book writing process.

While doing research for this blog post, I found a good number of articles, websites, and books on the editing process. Do your research! To capture the book publishing process to include selecting an editor, I created a best practices download about the steps to getting your book published. You can purchase your copy here and also on the website.

For more information on Resources and Publishing, be sure to stop by the website and check out our published books.

Happy Writing!