I had trouble with my writing at one point. I was stuck and only seeing things through rose-colored glasses. Ironically, this was only about a year and a half ago and I look back to the time and think: "What was I holding onto? What was going on during the time when I was struggling with my writing?" I remember vividly as there was so much going on in my life with my son transitioning to high school, my daughter was trying out for a dance team and I was working like crazy in my full-time job as an IT Manager. Those were some tough times with long days, lots of demands and very little time to think or much less write...so I thought. I had to work harder; push forward.
One of my many faults is I tend to paint pretty pictures, fluff and not face challenges as much as I should. To fast forward just a bit to now, I have grown a lot and this has made me a better writer, communicator and most of all, honest with myself and my feelings. Now, to go back to the time I mentioned - a year and a half ago - a good friend and an amazing blogger and writer, GG Renee of All The Many Layers has perfected writing prompts for self-discovery. I thought: "Wow, I can do this - I need this so badly." And, wouldn't you know it - one of the prompts was "rose-colored glasses." How timely!
As I removed my rose-colored glasses and began looking at myself and accepting my faults, flaws, good things, things I could improve upon and the things I am good at - I opened my mind and I accepted what a beautiful mind I have; while embracing my own shadow. I am no longer afraid of my faults and flaws - I'd rather embrace them, accept my faults as I go through life no longer being afraid of what is in front of me. Continuing to love myself and showing others the way and the road to healing and self-discovery.
To free my mind, I had to get back to what I love - writing. Do you ever get sidetracked and wonder what happened? Sometimes we blow it off and think "Oh, just another bad day" or "I'll get back to it". We all have bad days and we have to allow ourselves to feel the pain as it makes us stronger and more resilient. I am still working on the rose-colored glasses thing a bit. My assessment of this is me wanting everything to be ok; to be perfect in my own little way, my own world as I see it. My eyes are more open and I embrace change a little more than I did in the past - a healing of sorts to self-discovery.
Having a beautiful and free mind allow you to embrace the journey of self-discovery. I am thankful for GG Renee and many others who have embarked on this path before me. With plenty of road ahead of me, I want to see things more clearly; taking off the rose-colored glasses.
Feel free to comment on this post about your journey to self-discovery; beautiful and free. Do you or would you like to write for self-discovery? Let me know how I can help you. Stay tuned in the very near future for writing prompts to get you started and keep you on your journey.