We all want to hear good things, right? How about telling yourself what you want to hear? Yes, this is important as we go about our daily lives. Hearing good things is great, telling yourself those same things is even better.
What we tell ourselves affects us internally and spiritually as we are all on this quest to find meaning in this life. I made the commitment a few years ago to only tell myself good things and stop beating myself up over my mistakes. None of us is perfect right? I had to stop trying to be perfect at everything. We are all human and I allowed myself some slack without feeling bad about it.
In the midst of my mistakes, telling myself I would do better next time always helped. This was much better than saying negative things in my head to slow down my progress. Do you ever get to the point of telling yourself you are a failure since you may not have succeeded the first or second time? All of the things we tell ourselves set the course for our journey. We hear the things we tell ourselves more loud and clear than if someone else was to tell us the same thing. Be careful, you're listening!
Here's a little exercise I did when I first began writing and this helped me to push past fear when developing content. Remember it starts with you.
You are beautiful
You are strong
You are worth it
Now, take each of these phrases and finish the sentence and be sure your sentences mean the most to you. Write them down in your journal, your favorite book or a piece of paper and keep with you. Refer to these phrases and sentences when you need the boost of telling yourself the good things to keep you going. {Note: You can change the "you" to "I am".}
When I feel like I need a boost, here are my sentences:
I am beautiful in every way imaginable and my beauty shines internally as well as externally.
I am strong enough to face challenges with grace and perseverance; my strength is my positivity.
I am worth it and I walk with confidence into any situation with a high opinion of myself.
Ok, now it's your turn. Try this exercise and write down how it makes you feel. I would love to hear from you in the comments here on the blog. Do you have a theme for your responses? My theme is writing. Self-doubt would kick in at times and made me doubt my writing. This is a slow and steady process for all of us. Take your time and breathe; think about your responses and make note of how you feel.
Don't forget to leave a comment on this post and stop by the blog for more inspiration!