You are Beautiful, Strong, and Worth It

You are Beautiful, Strong, and Worth It.png

I love this phrase: "You are Beautiful, Strong, and Worth It." I have had to tell myself this over the years even when I didn't feel so beautiful. Lack of self-esteem used to kick my butt for years and I decided to turn things around and kick its butt! When thinking of beauty, I do not focus on the outer beauty; I focus on internal beauty, strength and self worth. There was a time when I would go about life kind of clueless thinking everything would be beautiful all the time and being strong was only for people who were going through something where they had to draw from the strength of others or their own internal strength. Who would ever think that would be me one day...

After very low points in my life from 2010-2012, the last thing I thought about were positive affirmations to make me feel good about myself. I was so caught up in the every day hustle and bustle and just trying to survive as a single mom of two children. By 2012, I really hit a low point when my divorce was on the horizon and all I could think about at the time was how to survive the days, weeks, and months to come. I began to feel unworthy since all of my friends were with their husbands, boyfriends, or significant others. At one point, I said: "Why me?" Little did I know at the time this was the best thing that could have happened to me and it set me on my path of discovery and healing.

By 2013, I could feel the pain and struggles beginning to lift and I began to come out of my shell a bit and started writing. For me writing was the first step to healing. Then, I had to look in the mirror and tell myself over and over that I was beautiful, strong, worth it, and not broken anymore. My very first blog post focused on faith and it was more of a walk-through for me since I wanted to have faith and I just wasn't there yet. I used the first blog post as a blue print to where I wanted to be. You can find my first blog post by clicking here.

As time moved forward, I began to get stronger and surround myself with people who could help me - lift me higher and support me. Even still I had to want to be strong and know that my self worth lives within me and it was up to me to make things happen and live the life I wanted. In 2016, I began to venture out even more and I connected with some wonderful and genuine people on social media who really knew how to put what I was feeling into words and actions. The key here for me was action. I needed to be in a space where I would thrive and know I was worth it. Feeling good inside and out is everything to me. I don’t want to just look good on the outside since what you are feeling on the inside always finds a way to shine through.

I wrote my first book A Life With A View in 2015. In this book, I touched on the areas of faith, love, and happiness and this book was clearly a collection of blog posts to help me on my journey. Two years later in 2017, I expanded on A Life With A View with my follow-up book, Inspiring Creative Passion. This book took the subjects of faith, love, and happiness and expanded on them with actionable steps people can take to achieve the internal beauty, strength, and worth they deserve.

In the present day, I am part of a movement with great connections to people all around the world who are journeying to their areas of peace. Take time to think about and practice your beauty, strength, and worth - from within. Share with me the first action you will take to reach the level you want. Secondly, and if you need help, click the button below to purchase your signed copy of Inspiring Creative Passion to get you started.