Self-Care Keeps You Whole

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This new year certainly snuck up on me while trying to organize my thoughts in writing. Here we are at 2018 and instead of thinking about all of the things I wanted to do or didn't get done in 2017, I decided to focus on the year head and reflect on my wins. This post is part of the Inspiring Creative Passion Writing Challenge that I started last year and was hoping to finish. But, guess what? I had to take a break for some self-care.

Before I knew it, we were in mid-December 2017 and realized I had a lot of leave left to take from my full-time job. Even when I would take off from work I would still check emails, log in, follow up on tasks and this would eat back into the leave I needed to take. Although I took off for 5 days and headed to Miami in early December, I found out I still needed time and my body was telling me to take a break. Did I bite off more than I could chew? Sure I did and I was feeling it.

The "it" for me was the overwhelming feeling of doing too much and still feeling like I was not doing enough. Then I had to think about it - didn't I write a blog post or two or even an eBook about this? This is a lesson in practicing what you preach. In order for me to be whole, I had to practice my own advice and also look to many others who have written books, articles, and blog posts about self-care and the benefits.

When you set out to do everything under the sun whether it is working, writing, pleasing others, taking care of other people - you eventually burn out. I learned about taking care of myself (again) at the start of the new year when I was down for the count and did not have the energy to write. So here I am back, all self-cared up, and in the swing of things. In my self-care eBook which you can grab for Free by clicking the button below, I list 10 ways for you to help yourself to your own self-care. For now and for this post, I list 5 ways to get you started right now and you can grab the Free eBook for the rest:

  1. Choose a word or phrase to start your self-care journey

  2. Surround yourself with people who inspire and encourage you

  3. Choose at least one day a week to dedicate to your self-care routine

  4. Set aside time do something you love; we excel at what we love to do

  5. Remove anything negative from your thoughts to free your mind to continue on your self-care journey

How do you practice self-care? I would love to hear your tips also to share with our community. Don't forget to click the button below to download your free self-care eBook!